To see a
World in a
Grain of
And Heaven
in a Wild
Hold Infinity
in the palm of
Your hand
And Eternity
in an hour

William Blake

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Saskatchewan Day One

I seem to have brought a warm front with me to Saskatchewan. Temperatures are soaring above zero here, with nothing but sunshine in the forecast. Nothing like a strong dose of Vitamin D to soothe a winter wallow.

Yesterday was my first visit with Mom in the hospital. Her strength is only overshadowed by her keen sense of humor. Save for her brief moments of subtle confusion and slight forgetfulness (thanks to some serious doses of methadone to control her pain), you would never know that she had been bedridden by what has become an untreatable struggle with cancer.

She was absolutely delighted with the fact that a close family friend of ours had sent along some edible blessings straight from the Dalia Lama himself - how many of us have ever received something directly from the Dalia Lama? I have never travelled with such a sacred gift in my suitcase! We spent a better part of the afternoon reflecting upon what these four tiny grains (which see is to place under her tongue) may be made of (dirt, seeds, dung, pepper?). I am sure that her room is now filled with positive Karma and insight! Although based upon her endless sense of generosity and care for others, I think she will has been building upon plenty of good Karma.

The peace of the valley covered by hoar frost at 7AM on my morning run was medicine to my soul. The best I can do here is to seize the beauty in every moment - to ensure that my focus stays in the now - not the then or the what next - just the now. She is right here with us - and that we will treasure.

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